Chapter 1 Why Data Visualization
Why does data need to be visualized?
1.1 History of Data Visualization
William Playfair, etc.
1.2 Our Brains Want It
The brain has a lot of muscle for receiving and interpreting spatial information. Conversely, your brain has almost no ability to readily read, understand, and generate new questions about a bland table of numbers – even small ones.
(show table and scatter plot to demonstrate)
1.3 Key Resources and Inspiration
- Tableau Gallery
- Storytelling With Data
- Learning To See Data by Ben Jones, Co-Founder & CEO at Data Literacy
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Data by Edward Tufte
- Better Data Visualizations by Jonathan Schwabish, Senior Fellow at the Urban Institute
- R Graphics Cookbook
- How Charts Lie, by Alberto Cairo
- Statistics Globe